Say goodbye to waxing, razors and plucking those pesky unwanted hairs with laser hair removal. Women on average spend 72 days shaving over their lifetime, at least that’s what one 2003 study showed. One survey reported, “The majority (around 80%) remove their leg and/or underarm hair at least occasionally.” Gain back those hours wasted in just 7-8 sessions. Smaller to medium areas only take about 15 minutes to treat. Larger areas 30 minutes, and a fully body can be done in about 60-120 minutes.
Laser Hair Removal (LHR) requires a commitment of 7 treatments. It is necessary to do them all to achieve the best results.
NO! When most people think of laser hair removal they think of a rubber band snapping the skin over and over again. The patented In-motionTM technology on our laser is virtually painless and has a built in cooling technology to provide comfortable hair removal. The cooling feature on this device also helps prevent burns, another complaint some people have when receiving LHR.
One recent client described her treatment as a cat purring against her skin. This was after she asked our technician to hold her hand as she began treatments. She fully expected the procedure to be painful and was quite relieved when it was not. See her reaction below.
Most LHR machines use one type of wavelength. Some of the most commonly used wavelengths are 755nm, 808nm & 1064nm. What sets our machine apart is that is combines and uses all three of these wavelengths simultaneously. Each one of those wavelengths targets the different characteristics in the melanin. Using all three is what allows us to treat a variety of skin tones with one device.

You will need to return every 6-8 weeks until the 7 treatments are complete. Hair follicles go through four different stages of growth. Each phase of growth lasts for a different period of time. It is virtually impossible to predict or know what stage a persons hair growth is in.
Phases of hair growth:
- Anagen (Growing) Takes 2-7 years and determines length of hair
- Catagen (Transition) It is transitional and only lasts about 10 days
- Telogen (Resting) Can last about 3 months
- Exogen (New Hair)
Doing laser treatments at different times allows us to treat that follicle in different stages eventually prohibiting the future growth of hair to the follicle.
All our (LHR) Laser Hair Removal treatments are sold as a package. This feature allows you to split up the cost of the 7 treatments needed into 9 affordable monthly payments. Multiple options are available and are dependent upon the area you are targeting.
First, stop any artificial tanning, both topical tanners and tanning beds about 4 weeks before you come in.
Secondly, you should shave the day before your appointment.
Third, DO NOT WAX any of your hair at least a week prior to your appointment. Waxing can irritate the skin and at times removes the epidermis or first layer of skin in certain areas. This would add a bit of discomfort during your session with the laser.
Finally, don’t worry. If you forget to shave we have razors and showers to use at the spa. Just be as careful as possible to avoid cutting the skin when you shave. You’ll be just fine.
Our laser targets corse or fine hair and is good for fair and dark or tanned skin. This FDA cleared device is popular in India specifically because it can treat those darker tanned skin tones. No more waiting until winter to do laser hair removal. This machine allows us to do treatments year round without damaging the skin. The laser has a gradual heating method that is very effective in damaging the hair follicle without causing irritation to the surrounding skin.
Single treatments are done on an as needed basis to maintain sessions. Touch ups are available for anyone who has been through a series of LHR with us. Follow up sessions can be done at anytime after a series is complete. In conclusion, we do recommend coming in as needed because Laser Hair Removal is only a semi-permanent procedure.
If you’re convinced you’re ready to do LHR simply click here to schedule the appointment that’s best for you. When you arrive for your appointment you will then have the option to pre-pay all your appointment series, or you can sign up for the 9 month membership to split your payments into lower amounts. With the membership option the first payment will be due that day and then the following payments will be drawn from your account on file on the 1st of each month for the following 8 months.
Can you tell me about laser hair removal pricing please and thank you!
Emmy, pricing varies by area. Right now is the best time to start as our Laser Hair packages are all Buy One Get One Free during the holiday season. The link to purchase is